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About Us

Our message to you

We are proud to be an independent and privately owned clinic, that is practitioner owned and operated, right here in Lethbridge Alberta. We have been open and treating patients from Lethbridge and surrounding areas since 2020. 


We pride ourselves on a high standard of care, and quality of treatment. All treatments, assessments, and consultations are done by a licensed and trained professional. All patients receive consistent monitoring and one on one time with their therapist to help them reach their healthcare goals.


One of our main goals is awareness and knowledge about EECP therapy. We are big believers and advocates of patient education, and believe that patients should be well informed in order to make the most educated decision about their healthcare as possible. We encourage you to ask questions!

We believe in working with your doctor to ensure that you get the highest standard of care.

- Miranda Reimer, owner and therapist.

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