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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits to EECP Therapy?

Most patients experience positive results, such as the following:

  • Losing weight

  • Having more energy and endurance

  • Sleeping better

  • Developing a more positive outlook

  • Reduction or elimination of medication

  • Clearer thinking

  • Decreased pain/discomfort

  •  Improved circulation

  • Lowered blood pressure

What are the advantages of EECP Therapy?

The biggest advantage to EECP is that it is non-invasive. It provides the opportunity for your body to heal itself through increased blood flow, without the risks of surgery, medication, etc. After your appointment, you simply carry on with your every-day life!

Does it hurt?

No, EECP is pain free. There will be a feeling of pressure where the treatment cuffs are, but your therapist is able to adjust the pressure setting to what is right for you! Most people actually find the treatment quite relaxing.

How will I feel after my treatment?

EECP is a massive, but passive cardiovascular workout that occurs while you rest on the treatment bed. So just like with exercise, expect to feel a little tired afterwards until you get used to treatment. Once this short "training period" is over, you will notice more energy, and better sleep.

When can I expect to see improvement?

Everybody responds to treatment differently, so it varies person to person. For some it is as little as two treatments, and for others it can take up to halfway through a 35 session program.

How long do the benefits last?

Studies from the IEPR have shown results lasting past three years, while smaller studies have shown results lasting past five years. Improvement in lifestyle is the key to making your results last as long as possible. 

You will get out of it what you put into it.

Do I have to do a full 35 hour course of treatment?

No, not at all. One or two treatments can help with temporary conditions like lactic acid build up in muscles after exercise.

You will have a discussion with your therapist about what the best plan is for you.

Who can have EECP?

EECP is extremely low risk, and very few people can't have it. Even top athletes use this therapy to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Your doctor will know your medical history, and a discussion with them and us is generally all it takes to get approved. 

However, there are no formal referrals needed.

What are the risks to EECP Therapy?

EECP is very low risk, and very safe. Occasionally people experience minor muscle/joint pain, or discomfort under the treatment cuffs. Rarely, if ever, people can experience shortness of breath and require hospitalization. Your therapist is highly trained to make your treatments safe and minimize any risk to you.

Is EECP available through Alberta Health?

No unfortunately, but it should be. EECP is standard practice in leading institutions in the USA ie) Mayo Clinic, and is covered by Medicare. In Alberta, some private insurers may provide coverage through health spending accounts. You would need to pay for your appointment, then submit your receipt for reimbursement.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

We will have a consultation to discuss your medical history etc prior to your first treatment. For this, please bring a list of any medications you may be on, and any information you have about your medical condition(s).

Wear pants you are comfortable in, and loose collared shirts are best. 

Try to avoid drinking large amounts or eating a large meal right before your appointment.


How long will my appointment be?

Each treatment is one hour in length on the treatment bed. Expect to need an extra fifteen minutes to half an hour for setup time, your included health assessment, and any bathroom breaks that may be needed.

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